
Our distinctive working ethos combines our three core values of creativity, strategy, and sustainability to generate the most impactful creative results for our clients with the lowest possible environmental impact.

Jamie Sergeant - Global CEO


Our Pledge

We pledge to follow and to deliver against the UNs 17 Sustainable Development Goals. Our dedication to this sustainability mission is absolute.

star white

Employee Survey

Here at Crowd we really value the opinion of our staff, actively encouraging every team member to have their say.

To facilitate this, we utilise anonymous staff surveys to help inform our thinking, planning and evolution - a great way to get a true feel of what works at Crowd, and (most importantly) what does not. In August 2023, a Global Employee Wellbeing Survey was completed by an impressive 87% of our employees. Feedback was collated, reported, suggestions considered, and actions taken by the Senior Leadership Team, all based on information received.

Crowd Socials

Its not all work and no play for the Crowd team. We believe in working hard and play harder.

Our most important asset is the people we employ. And thats why we bring together all our regional teams on a bi-monlty basis to celebrate, socialise and just have fun.


Our ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur ImpactOur Impact

Our commitment to the environment is unyielding. We're proactive in reducing our carbon footprint and actively engage in partnerships and projects that offset our impact.

To ensure that we are always in the know, we generate an annual report with the help of emission monitoring platform, Greenly. With the help of Greenly we can keep tabs on our outputs, consciously reducing them where we can.

wind turbines

We have avoided 590 tonnes of CO2e

Our certificate is proof that 590 tonnes of CO2 emission will be avoided as a result of our involvement with Greenly.


That's the equivalent of...


London - New York (round trip)

UK ppl

Average annual emissions

hectares of forest

Ordinarily it would take approximately 
54 hectares of forest to remove this 
much CO2 from the atmosphere.

Graded 'Good'

From our most recent assessment we were scored ‘good’ by Greenly’s ‘Climate Score’ test which we are immensely proud of as only 10% of businesses are awarded this score.
We are over the moon with this result as it stands as a testament to our dedication to reducing our impact on the environment. However, we believe that there is always room for improvement which is why we pledge to receive either a ‘very good’ or ‘excellent’ rating in next year's carbon assessment. 

Green Team


The Crowd Green Team focuses on developing and enhancing the means by which Crowd's business operations and team members conduct themselves in a more sustainable way. We believe that this approach to business and operations is essential for our company's success and the well being of our team, and thus, the world."

Brett Magill - Green Team Leader


Dorset Mind

Dorset Mind

We first crossed paths with Dorset Mind in 2019 at the Dorset Business Awards. Here we discovered many common interests, promoting mental health awareness, sustainability, and transparency being key.

Over the next 3 years, we embarked on many exciting and fruitful journeys with the charity raising much needed funds and awareness. Dorset Mind is an exceptional charity that provides crucial services through their support groups and materials.

We encourage you to explore their incredible work and join us in supporting their mission. Together, let's make a difference in promoting mental health.

Robot nurse

Get With The Program

To celebrate Crowd’s 10th birthday, earlier this year Crowd launched a competition giving start up’s from far and wide the opportunity to win 10 free hours of consultancy from our team.

Despite being faced with numerous worthy applicants, Crowd chose the applicant that best aligned with our values. ‘Get with the Program’ [GWTP] was crowned the winner. Through humour and theatrics GWTP aims ‘to inspire the tech innovators of the future’ by teaching children the art of tech and coding, introducing them to the world of STEM.

Our Work

Sustainability is ingrained in every fibre of Crowd and we like to work with clients who are like minded, share our values and are passionate about preserving the world we live in.  We are proud to have been part of some really progressive projects in recent years and are excited to continue. Check our some of our past green focused projects!


The aim of this project was to raise awareness of the problems caused by single use plastics through a range of promotional films aimed to boost the nominations of the film ‘Dark Waters’ at the Environmental Media Awards in 2020. Footprint approached us with the idea as the film directly complimented their mission to alert and educate on the toxicity of single use plastics to society and the environment.

Find out more

Plastic Oceans

In 2019, in partnership with ‘Plastic Oceans International’ and Breathe Conservation’ famous swimmer Sarah Furgason broke the world record for endurance swimming with a 40 mile, non-stop swim around Easter Island, completed in just 24 hours. Crowd supported the swimmer along her journey by filming the process which was then broadcasted across the world, raising awareness for marine plastic pollution.

Find out more


BEEAH group is a pioneer in sustainable solutions throughout the middle east producing groundbreaking environmental innovations and steamrolling ahead of the sustainability curve. BEEAH approached Crowd asking us to revamp their website to better represent their work and to showcase their innovation more effectively.

Find out more

Our FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur FutureOur Future


Become Carbon Neutral

Monitoring and reducing our impact on the environment is and always has been of immense importance to us at Crowd. Our initial goal was to become 100% carbon neutral by the end of the year however we officially hit this target earlier in July. We pledge to continue to remove the equivalent amount of CO2 from the atmosphere as we emit.


Become Climate Positive

Cutting our commutes, green hosting and reducing office consumables, are a few of many ways in which Crowd ensures climate positivity and carbon neutrality. To us, becoming climate positive shows that we are going beyond what is necessary to safeguard our environment and hopefully will serve as an example for other like minded businesses and clients to do the same.


Carbon Neutral Client Work

As sustainability is one of the main essences of Crowd, going in to 2024 we would like to only work with clients who share our passion for the environment and who are carbon neutral themselves.


And that's a wrap

2023 has been a year full of excitement with big wins, important setbacks, proud moments and a lot of fun and we don’t plan on slowing down!

We would like to thank all those who have joined us on this year's journey and for their invaluable feedback, support and partnership.  If you would like to join us on our next journey or think that we could help you with your own please download our white paper and get in contact with #TeamCrowd

Download Our Sustainability Whitepaper
